Know Thyself
So, you all are probably wondering about the elaborate image of the world I created with the words, "Know Bob" at the top. Well a couple of months ago my Integrated Processing professor wanted us all to research about our family, and our own history so we could develop a better understanding of ourself. I personally thought it would be a great assignment because I thrive on creativity and in order to encourage our creative sides he did not put too many constraints on us.
Therefore, I decided to take a couple of pieces of cardboard, some fabric, Christmas lights, and some photos of my family and arrange it in a way that encompassed my passion, which is traveling and my appreciation for diversity. Along with the research, I decided to undergo a genetic ancestry test to help fill in some of the gaps I was finding. This test was conducted through the use of cheek samples by which were analyzed in a lab in Arizona. Once the results came in I found out that most of my genetic ancestry came from Sub-Saharan Africa approximately 72%. The second largest percentage came from a European source approximately 24%, and finally the last percentage came from an East Asian source approximately 4%.
Although I already had vague knowledge of this information through family stories, it was also from these stories that I was under the impression that I had Native American ancestry. According to the test they could not find any evidence of this however, I was also told by the scientists that East Asian and Native American determinants hold many similarities with each other therefore, I should not conclusively say that I do not have any Native American influence. So, I guess you can say that I'll have to continue my research down that avenue in order to find more conclusive results.
I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to have done this project. I wish that I would have thought about doing it at an earlier time because there has never been a time in my life where I have felt more complete and knowledgeable of who I am. I have a better appreciation for my ancestors, now knowing of the sacrifices they made so that I might be here today.
Even though some of the research I did uncovered "hard to hear" information, I consider that info just as important as the glamorous info because without knowing the bad I am incomplete. I whole heartedly recommend that everyone try to research their family ancestry. Afterall, we all come from immigrants and we currently live in a society that stresses conformity therefore, our individual differences get lost. Our ancestors had to assimilate and through this process they lost important cultural traits that defined them. So by researching your own family I challenge you to discover these cultural traits and with respect to your ancestors, know where you came from.
Now this task is not at all an easy one, and most of your information will have to come from family members unless you have a prominent name. So, if your family members are reluctant to talk for whatever reason, I recommend going to the library to conduct your research. I personally went to the Mormon Library on the temple in Oakland, CA to conduct my research because the Mormons are the world leaders in conducting research on the family since it is a pertinent part of their religion.
I was able to get to about the year 1860 using the U.S. Census Bureau because that was the first year African Americans were included. Therefore, my gaps were filled through genetic testing, other text sources, and family knowledge. The company I conducted the genetic test with can be located at
This genetic test is still developing and therefore can only provide an approximation. Hopefully in the future technology will advance so that a more discriminate test can be performed that provides more answers. A better explanation of the methods they currently employ can be found on the website posted above.
Well aside from this enlightening experience I have been keeping busy with school, school, and more school. I am getting excellent grades which is always a plus considering anything below a B- is no credit (guess you gotta be on your A game in graduate school). I also joined student councel and I have been able to gain a tremendous amount of information about the school/politics through this organization. I also have made a lot more upper classmen friends this way and I constantly benefit from their advise.
Ok, I think that about does it for this blog. Next time I will talk about the great time I had at SF Pride 07 and my day exploring San Francisco. I am still working to reach my potential and accomplishing my New Years Resolutions, so I have been rigorously training for a half marathon race which takes place at the end of the month. Wish me luck, enjoy your Fourth of July, and I'll talk to you later!
"Keep reaching for the stars, for they are limitless"
Therefore, I decided to take a couple of pieces of cardboard, some fabric, Christmas lights, and some photos of my family and arrange it in a way that encompassed my passion, which is traveling and my appreciation for diversity. Along with the research, I decided to undergo a genetic ancestry test to help fill in some of the gaps I was finding. This test was conducted through the use of cheek samples by which were analyzed in a lab in Arizona. Once the results came in I found out that most of my genetic ancestry came from Sub-Saharan Africa approximately 72%. The second largest percentage came from a European source approximately 24%, and finally the last percentage came from an East Asian source approximately 4%.
Although I already had vague knowledge of this information through family stories, it was also from these stories that I was under the impression that I had Native American ancestry. According to the test they could not find any evidence of this however, I was also told by the scientists that East Asian and Native American determinants hold many similarities with each other therefore, I should not conclusively say that I do not have any Native American influence. So, I guess you can say that I'll have to continue my research down that avenue in order to find more conclusive results.
I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to have done this project. I wish that I would have thought about doing it at an earlier time because there has never been a time in my life where I have felt more complete and knowledgeable of who I am. I have a better appreciation for my ancestors, now knowing of the sacrifices they made so that I might be here today.
Even though some of the research I did uncovered "hard to hear" information, I consider that info just as important as the glamorous info because without knowing the bad I am incomplete. I whole heartedly recommend that everyone try to research their family ancestry. Afterall, we all come from immigrants and we currently live in a society that stresses conformity therefore, our individual differences get lost. Our ancestors had to assimilate and through this process they lost important cultural traits that defined them. So by researching your own family I challenge you to discover these cultural traits and with respect to your ancestors, know where you came from.
Now this task is not at all an easy one, and most of your information will have to come from family members unless you have a prominent name. So, if your family members are reluctant to talk for whatever reason, I recommend going to the library to conduct your research. I personally went to the Mormon Library on the temple in Oakland, CA to conduct my research because the Mormons are the world leaders in conducting research on the family since it is a pertinent part of their religion.
I was able to get to about the year 1860 using the U.S. Census Bureau because that was the first year African Americans were included. Therefore, my gaps were filled through genetic testing, other text sources, and family knowledge. The company I conducted the genetic test with can be located at
This genetic test is still developing and therefore can only provide an approximation. Hopefully in the future technology will advance so that a more discriminate test can be performed that provides more answers. A better explanation of the methods they currently employ can be found on the website posted above.
Well aside from this enlightening experience I have been keeping busy with school, school, and more school. I am getting excellent grades which is always a plus considering anything below a B- is no credit (guess you gotta be on your A game in graduate school). I also joined student councel and I have been able to gain a tremendous amount of information about the school/politics through this organization. I also have made a lot more upper classmen friends this way and I constantly benefit from their advise.
Ok, I think that about does it for this blog. Next time I will talk about the great time I had at SF Pride 07 and my day exploring San Francisco. I am still working to reach my potential and accomplishing my New Years Resolutions, so I have been rigorously training for a half marathon race which takes place at the end of the month. Wish me luck, enjoy your Fourth of July, and I'll talk to you later!
"Keep reaching for the stars, for they are limitless"
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