Happy New Year's Vegas Style 2009!
Wow, there is sooooo much for me to write about since my last blog. A lot has happened to me since then. For starters I went to my first professional football game and saw the Oakland Raiders take on the Kansas City Chiefs. Despite them getting slaughtered, I decided to go again and watch them get destroyed against the New England Patriots. I guess you can say it was not their year, but hey it was an enjoyable experience nonetheless.
So, aside from going to the professional games, I have been busy counseling clients. That’s right, I have my own case load now, and I have to say that I am having a blast being able to help people by figuring out the root of their problems. It is challenging, but also rewarding. Through it all, I keep in mind one of my life’s mottos which is the harder something is the more rewarding it will be.
School has been challenging, along with my job, so I guess when I am finished with everything I will have one hell of a reward waiting for me J. Now to switch gears, so that I can discuss the heart of this blog. I had one of the best times of my life bringing in the New Year in Vegas with a really special guy that has come into my life not too long ago.
It would not serve him justice to describe him using words alone because I don’t believe words can sum up his amazing personality, kind heartedness, and overall good spirit. I have known him for about a month, but it feels like so much longer. He is ambitious (works in law enforcement), funny, smart, handsome, and I enjoy spending every minute that I can with him. I know that is why I enjoyed myself in Vegas soooo much, along with everything that we did together.
Our trip, although fantastic as I described it to be, did not start off on a good foot seeing as I overslept and missed our flight heading out to Vegas. I pulled a double on Monday and Tuesday leading up to our departure and well my body was exhausted. I couldn’t believe that I was going to miss the flight while I was riding on the train to head to the airport and I felt like scum once I saw him. Fortunately for me he was understanding about the whole situation and we were able to switch our flights for a small fee and head out only an hour and a half later than our original departure time. Since we were on stand-by I was very nervous seeing as we were not guaranteed a sit. I was relieved to hear our names called over the loud speaker because I knew that was going to be the start of a great trip.
Once we arrived we had a dinner/lunch with a friend that lives in Vegas. He was very hospitable while we were there, and I can’t thank him enough for everything that he did for us. After we ate, Alain (the guy I described earlier) and I went to a comedy club in the Harrah Hotel to watch 3 stand-up comics put on a show. I have to say that I greatly enjoyed all the comedians because they were freakin’ HILARIOUS. The last comedian was a famous guy named John Henton who played Overton on the hit 1993 television series called, Living Single. He put on a good act as well, and after the show ended we departed and headed to a dance club to bring in the new year.
There were sooooo many people on the streets it took us forever to walk down the street to the club. Once we arrived there was this guy or girl (couldn’t tell with the costume) standing on stilts. Alain almost bumped into him/her and I didn’t even notice him/her until Alain told me. It was quite impressive to say the least, and it foreshadowed things to come once we stepped inside. The entertainment consisted of a woman swallowing a sword, women climbing on long pieces of fabric and swinging in the air (totally Cirque du Solei style), scantly dressed dancers, and snow falling from the ceiling. All in all it was a blast and DJ Hex Hector was amazing!
The following day we walked around for bit, had lunch at Planet Hollywood, and went to the Fashion Show Mall. The big surprise I had in stored was a night-time helicopter ride over the Vegas strip. It was funny having him try to guess what it was, and believe it or not he got it, but I did not tell him he was right J (told yah he is smart). Anyways, once we got to the destination, we were both pretty psyched to take the trip. It was breathtaking to see the whole strip 1000’s of feet off the ground. Everything looked so small but at the same time grand.
We concluded our night at GameWorks and I got schooled on Dance Dance Revolution, although I got him on a fighting game (although, I should note that one of his functions didn’t work on the game ;-), hey a victory is a victory right?). After that, we walked around for a bit then called it the night. As we were walking these girls about the age of 8 or 9 started singing to us. It was odd but cute at the same time. They had very outgoing personalities, and were trying to sell their cds on the street to us. Although they were cute and all I don’t think I could rock out their Mickey Mouse Club tunes on my cd players and still keep my cool persona ;-) therefore, I had to politely decline their offer.
The next day my Vegas friend, Alain, and I all ate at the #1 buffet in Vegas called the Spice Market. Let me just say that they had everything there for breakfast that you can imagine, and they had even more sections for lunch and dinner. I definitely recommend the place if you are ever in Vegas, and the price is affordable in comparison to some of the other restaurants that are in the area. After we ate we headed to the airport and unfortunately our flight was delayed for at least 3 hours as a result of the bad weather in San Francisco. I guess you can say that we didn’t have much luck at the airport, but regardless of that we had a blast.
Cheers to 2009, I have a feeling it is going to be one hell of a year for me, and I hope it is the same for you!
To changing the world to make it a better place for all in 2009.
So, aside from going to the professional games, I have been busy counseling clients. That’s right, I have my own case load now, and I have to say that I am having a blast being able to help people by figuring out the root of their problems. It is challenging, but also rewarding. Through it all, I keep in mind one of my life’s mottos which is the harder something is the more rewarding it will be.
School has been challenging, along with my job, so I guess when I am finished with everything I will have one hell of a reward waiting for me J. Now to switch gears, so that I can discuss the heart of this blog. I had one of the best times of my life bringing in the New Year in Vegas with a really special guy that has come into my life not too long ago.
It would not serve him justice to describe him using words alone because I don’t believe words can sum up his amazing personality, kind heartedness, and overall good spirit. I have known him for about a month, but it feels like so much longer. He is ambitious (works in law enforcement), funny, smart, handsome, and I enjoy spending every minute that I can with him. I know that is why I enjoyed myself in Vegas soooo much, along with everything that we did together.
Our trip, although fantastic as I described it to be, did not start off on a good foot seeing as I overslept and missed our flight heading out to Vegas. I pulled a double on Monday and Tuesday leading up to our departure and well my body was exhausted. I couldn’t believe that I was going to miss the flight while I was riding on the train to head to the airport and I felt like scum once I saw him. Fortunately for me he was understanding about the whole situation and we were able to switch our flights for a small fee and head out only an hour and a half later than our original departure time. Since we were on stand-by I was very nervous seeing as we were not guaranteed a sit. I was relieved to hear our names called over the loud speaker because I knew that was going to be the start of a great trip.
Once we arrived we had a dinner/lunch with a friend that lives in Vegas. He was very hospitable while we were there, and I can’t thank him enough for everything that he did for us. After we ate, Alain (the guy I described earlier) and I went to a comedy club in the Harrah Hotel to watch 3 stand-up comics put on a show. I have to say that I greatly enjoyed all the comedians because they were freakin’ HILARIOUS. The last comedian was a famous guy named John Henton who played Overton on the hit 1993 television series called, Living Single. He put on a good act as well, and after the show ended we departed and headed to a dance club to bring in the new year.
There were sooooo many people on the streets it took us forever to walk down the street to the club. Once we arrived there was this guy or girl (couldn’t tell with the costume) standing on stilts. Alain almost bumped into him/her and I didn’t even notice him/her until Alain told me. It was quite impressive to say the least, and it foreshadowed things to come once we stepped inside. The entertainment consisted of a woman swallowing a sword, women climbing on long pieces of fabric and swinging in the air (totally Cirque du Solei style), scantly dressed dancers, and snow falling from the ceiling. All in all it was a blast and DJ Hex Hector was amazing!
The following day we walked around for bit, had lunch at Planet Hollywood, and went to the Fashion Show Mall. The big surprise I had in stored was a night-time helicopter ride over the Vegas strip. It was funny having him try to guess what it was, and believe it or not he got it, but I did not tell him he was right J (told yah he is smart). Anyways, once we got to the destination, we were both pretty psyched to take the trip. It was breathtaking to see the whole strip 1000’s of feet off the ground. Everything looked so small but at the same time grand.
We concluded our night at GameWorks and I got schooled on Dance Dance Revolution, although I got him on a fighting game (although, I should note that one of his functions didn’t work on the game ;-), hey a victory is a victory right?). After that, we walked around for a bit then called it the night. As we were walking these girls about the age of 8 or 9 started singing to us. It was odd but cute at the same time. They had very outgoing personalities, and were trying to sell their cds on the street to us. Although they were cute and all I don’t think I could rock out their Mickey Mouse Club tunes on my cd players and still keep my cool persona ;-) therefore, I had to politely decline their offer.
The next day my Vegas friend, Alain, and I all ate at the #1 buffet in Vegas called the Spice Market. Let me just say that they had everything there for breakfast that you can imagine, and they had even more sections for lunch and dinner. I definitely recommend the place if you are ever in Vegas, and the price is affordable in comparison to some of the other restaurants that are in the area. After we ate we headed to the airport and unfortunately our flight was delayed for at least 3 hours as a result of the bad weather in San Francisco. I guess you can say that we didn’t have much luck at the airport, but regardless of that we had a blast.
Cheers to 2009, I have a feeling it is going to be one hell of a year for me, and I hope it is the same for you!
To changing the world to make it a better place for all in 2009.
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