Yes, the saying is true, "What goes up must come down." But hey, that is just life an endless rollercoaster of fortunes and misfortunes. Wisdom tells us all to the make the most of it and time tells us to cherish it all, the ups and downs. So with that said I feel it is time to share my horrible week with you all.
It all started after I left my friend, Jonathan's place (remember the cool guy from England, and if you are reading this Jonathan, trash is called "garbage" not "rubbish" :-). As I began to make my 30 minute hike home I noticed a vast number of dogs roaming the streets. I did not let it phase me for I was focused on getting home and getting to bed because I was exhausted from a long day of teaching. As the thought of the dogs slowly escaped my mind it quickly returned when I spotted an average size dog standing behind me and growling. Now don't get me wrong I was pretty shaken during the time of this encounter, but I made an effort to keep my cool through the entire ordeal. Although, the dog was standing about 5ft. away from me I decided to walk calmly away from it keeping myself turned toward the dog. This however, did not serve to my advantage because the dog kept advancing and acting as if it was preparing to attack. By this time I knew that I had to do something fast so I was then overtaken by instinct.
Now at the time I was carrying my bag containing all of my school books, along with a bag of fruit a student of mine gave me as a present. Without hesistating I decided to use a piece of fruit to distract the dog, so I quickly reached into my bag, grabbed a piece of fruit, and chucked it at the dog. Although, I am not familiar with the type of fruit I was carrying I knew that it was big enough to stall the dog. Soon after I threw the fruit, the dog decided to ignore me and devote its attention to the fruit. I know, I know, saved by the angels again, they have to work overtime to keep up with all the encounters I find myself in.
Two days later, and now that the dog encounter has passed, I am now sick. There was a bug going around the workplace and I just knew I was next in line to get it. As a result of a less than acceptable diet, and the stress that I was experiencing trying to get adjusted to my new way of life (job and all), my immune system was highly vulnerable. My co-workers told me of a pharmacy to go to that had what I needed to rid myself of this illness. It had to be hilarious for the pharmacy workers to view my futile attempts to explain what was wrong with me. Aside from coughing, rubbing my throat, pointing to my nose, touching my head, and moaning, their facial expressions indicated to me that they were entertained by my antics :-).
Eventually, I was give the correct medication (I could tell by the pictures on the box). These cough drops that I had to take along with some pills that I had from home were in no way the best tasting. I guess you can say that it was a small sacrifice I was willing to take to get better. Fortunately, the cold only lasted for about 5 days after taking the medication.
The next day my boss asked me for my passport (yikes! that's right I forgot it at home). This passport was extremely pertinent in order for me to receive my Alien Residence Card. So that's right I head to trek it all the way back to my apartment to retrieve it, on one of the hottest days I have had since I have been here. I was covered in sweat, coughing, and sneezing when I returned. Horrible right, but I fortunately for me aside from being broke due to having to pay for miscellaneous fees (alien residence card 120.ooUS, handling 30.00US, housing penalty for staying four days over the limit 50.00US, and my down payment for my apt. 500.00US) , my horrible week was lastly at its end.
Lesson learned, "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." A quote that became too familiar to me after that week, but now with that past me I am on to better horizons. This week begins with a holiday 10/10 day, (who knew such a day could get you a day off of work :-)) and I am planning on spending the entire day studying for the GRE. It is now Sunday, night and I am writing you all this email in the middle Kaohsiung's central park which is quite a sight to see. I am going to get ready to head back to my apt. now because I have been here for quite a long time. Until next time....
*Btw, once I figure out a way to display my pictures online I will put the link on this webpage.
It all started after I left my friend, Jonathan's place (remember the cool guy from England, and if you are reading this Jonathan, trash is called "garbage" not "rubbish" :-). As I began to make my 30 minute hike home I noticed a vast number of dogs roaming the streets. I did not let it phase me for I was focused on getting home and getting to bed because I was exhausted from a long day of teaching. As the thought of the dogs slowly escaped my mind it quickly returned when I spotted an average size dog standing behind me and growling. Now don't get me wrong I was pretty shaken during the time of this encounter, but I made an effort to keep my cool through the entire ordeal. Although, the dog was standing about 5ft. away from me I decided to walk calmly away from it keeping myself turned toward the dog. This however, did not serve to my advantage because the dog kept advancing and acting as if it was preparing to attack. By this time I knew that I had to do something fast so I was then overtaken by instinct.
Now at the time I was carrying my bag containing all of my school books, along with a bag of fruit a student of mine gave me as a present. Without hesistating I decided to use a piece of fruit to distract the dog, so I quickly reached into my bag, grabbed a piece of fruit, and chucked it at the dog. Although, I am not familiar with the type of fruit I was carrying I knew that it was big enough to stall the dog. Soon after I threw the fruit, the dog decided to ignore me and devote its attention to the fruit. I know, I know, saved by the angels again, they have to work overtime to keep up with all the encounters I find myself in.
Two days later, and now that the dog encounter has passed, I am now sick. There was a bug going around the workplace and I just knew I was next in line to get it. As a result of a less than acceptable diet, and the stress that I was experiencing trying to get adjusted to my new way of life (job and all), my immune system was highly vulnerable. My co-workers told me of a pharmacy to go to that had what I needed to rid myself of this illness. It had to be hilarious for the pharmacy workers to view my futile attempts to explain what was wrong with me. Aside from coughing, rubbing my throat, pointing to my nose, touching my head, and moaning, their facial expressions indicated to me that they were entertained by my antics :-).
Eventually, I was give the correct medication (I could tell by the pictures on the box). These cough drops that I had to take along with some pills that I had from home were in no way the best tasting. I guess you can say that it was a small sacrifice I was willing to take to get better. Fortunately, the cold only lasted for about 5 days after taking the medication.
The next day my boss asked me for my passport (yikes! that's right I forgot it at home). This passport was extremely pertinent in order for me to receive my Alien Residence Card. So that's right I head to trek it all the way back to my apartment to retrieve it, on one of the hottest days I have had since I have been here. I was covered in sweat, coughing, and sneezing when I returned. Horrible right, but I fortunately for me aside from being broke due to having to pay for miscellaneous fees (alien residence card 120.ooUS, handling 30.00US, housing penalty for staying four days over the limit 50.00US, and my down payment for my apt. 500.00US) , my horrible week was lastly at its end.
Lesson learned, "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." A quote that became too familiar to me after that week, but now with that past me I am on to better horizons. This week begins with a holiday 10/10 day, (who knew such a day could get you a day off of work :-)) and I am planning on spending the entire day studying for the GRE. It is now Sunday, night and I am writing you all this email in the middle Kaohsiung's central park which is quite a sight to see. I am going to get ready to head back to my apt. now because I have been here for quite a long time. Until next time....
*Btw, once I figure out a way to display my pictures online I will put the link on this webpage.