RaVin in the NEW YEARS!
So, it is now 2008 and I am at a good place in my life. I had a great New Year's Eve as I spent it at a rave with a group of friends in Berkeley. I met two guys there that were really cool and I spent the following weekend hanging out with them in Sacramento (A person can never have to many friends!).
Well after reviewing my 2007 New Year's Resolutions I can proudly say that I have accomplished a lot. Honestly I can say that 2007 had been my most productive year thus far, and I hope to make 2008 even better.
In 2007 I was able to run a half marathon, visit family and friends in Ohio, buy a new car, get my own apartment, succeed in school, attend a professional conference, and last but not least score a good job as a classroom counselor for a treatment facility for at risk youth. This year will definately be a hard act to follow, but hey I am up for the challenge. So here is my New Year's Resolution List for 2008
Reach for the Stars! I want to reach the top of a mountain. Call me adventurous but I stick by my philosophy in life that says what is the point of living, if one does not know how to live. Therefore, I tend on going the distance and truly living life as it was meant to be lived. I would like to push myself to the limit because it is only through the most challenging times in one's life, that a person knows who they truly are.
Paradise on Earth! I want to go to Hawaii. Ok, so Hawaii has been on my things to do list for as far as I can remember. But it is this year that I intend on actually going there and experiencing all that Hawaii has to offer. I have friends there so it will be nice to visit them and experience Hawaiian culture.
Research! I want to begin my dissertation research. I know this is a time consuming task that I really do not have to begin until next year however, I would like to get a head start on this feat so that I won't feel rushed when graduation time approaches.
Boston! The site for the 2008 APA Conference. I would like to attend this conference and play more of an instrumental role in obtaining support for my research along with making good connections with people that are interested in similar material.
Alliance! I want to create a LGBT club at my university so that I can create a better sense of community for LGBT and straight students on campus. I know there are sooo many questions that people have for one another in regards to LGBT issues and psychology therefore, I would like to create an open dialogue between LGBT people and straight students so that the opportunity is there to be open and honest about areas that may be unclear.
Strength! I intend on stepping up my regiment and pushing myself even more in the weightroom. Last year I stated that I wanted to see how far I could push myself physically, and well running 13.1 miles definately was a way to do that. But this year I want to focus on nutrition and just overall fitness.
Spirituality! I want to spend more time in my day taking a step back from the work/business/high pace activities and just listen to my soul. Prayer has always been my method of quieting my mind and I intend on sticking to this approach. Listening to God and allowing God to continue to lead me in my life is important. Afterall, I know that with God's support I can achieve what I set my mind to, so I need to focus on what matters in life.
Finances! Ok, I have never been good at monitoring more checkbook, but this year I would like to start financial planning for my future. I intend on creating budgets and sticking to them. I also may venture in to stocks/savings and explore various options concerning investments.
Well, that about does it for now. I will more in likely think of more things to come, but I feel good with the list I have created thus far. The three keys I will continue to focus on are the Mind, Body, and the Soul. I hope the rest of you have made New Year's list too, but if you have not let me suggest you start and bring in 2008 with a blast!
Well after reviewing my 2007 New Year's Resolutions I can proudly say that I have accomplished a lot. Honestly I can say that 2007 had been my most productive year thus far, and I hope to make 2008 even better.
In 2007 I was able to run a half marathon, visit family and friends in Ohio, buy a new car, get my own apartment, succeed in school, attend a professional conference, and last but not least score a good job as a classroom counselor for a treatment facility for at risk youth. This year will definately be a hard act to follow, but hey I am up for the challenge. So here is my New Year's Resolution List for 2008
Reach for the Stars! I want to reach the top of a mountain. Call me adventurous but I stick by my philosophy in life that says what is the point of living, if one does not know how to live. Therefore, I tend on going the distance and truly living life as it was meant to be lived. I would like to push myself to the limit because it is only through the most challenging times in one's life, that a person knows who they truly are.
Paradise on Earth! I want to go to Hawaii. Ok, so Hawaii has been on my things to do list for as far as I can remember. But it is this year that I intend on actually going there and experiencing all that Hawaii has to offer. I have friends there so it will be nice to visit them and experience Hawaiian culture.
Research! I want to begin my dissertation research. I know this is a time consuming task that I really do not have to begin until next year however, I would like to get a head start on this feat so that I won't feel rushed when graduation time approaches.
Boston! The site for the 2008 APA Conference. I would like to attend this conference and play more of an instrumental role in obtaining support for my research along with making good connections with people that are interested in similar material.
Alliance! I want to create a LGBT club at my university so that I can create a better sense of community for LGBT and straight students on campus. I know there are sooo many questions that people have for one another in regards to LGBT issues and psychology therefore, I would like to create an open dialogue between LGBT people and straight students so that the opportunity is there to be open and honest about areas that may be unclear.
Strength! I intend on stepping up my regiment and pushing myself even more in the weightroom. Last year I stated that I wanted to see how far I could push myself physically, and well running 13.1 miles definately was a way to do that. But this year I want to focus on nutrition and just overall fitness.
Spirituality! I want to spend more time in my day taking a step back from the work/business/high pace activities and just listen to my soul. Prayer has always been my method of quieting my mind and I intend on sticking to this approach. Listening to God and allowing God to continue to lead me in my life is important. Afterall, I know that with God's support I can achieve what I set my mind to, so I need to focus on what matters in life.
Finances! Ok, I have never been good at monitoring more checkbook, but this year I would like to start financial planning for my future. I intend on creating budgets and sticking to them. I also may venture in to stocks/savings and explore various options concerning investments.
Well, that about does it for now. I will more in likely think of more things to come, but I feel good with the list I have created thus far. The three keys I will continue to focus on are the Mind, Body, and the Soul. I hope the rest of you have made New Year's list too, but if you have not let me suggest you start and bring in 2008 with a blast!