What is Red?
So, some of you may be wondering what the deal is with my emphasis on the color red. Well let me start off by saying it has nothing to do with my favorite color (because that is blue ;-), rather it is a global economic initiative aimed at putting pressure on governments to address issues such as AIDS, debt, and trade in Africa. This initiative was created by U2 singer Bono, and Bobby Shriver (Chairman of an organization called DATA - Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa), in order to form alliances between businesses to create a consistant flow of private sector money to go directly to the Global Fund.
The Global Fund finances AIDS programs that are focused on women and children in Africa. It is the world's leading program to combat AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. It works to provide treatment to children infected with HIV that are abandoned in orphanages and provides preventative education to adults. The funds are properly managed as to avoid corruption, and distribution is only given on the basis of proven results.
So you are probably wondering why should you care, right? Well just to throw some numbers at you, every year 3 million people die from AIDS. Of the 40 million people infected by HIV/AIDS worldwide, Africa comprises 60% of infected people, despite Africa only representing 10% of the world population. This number should shock us all, and if we are not shocked then we should take a moment to reflect and ask ourselves, "How did we get to this point?"
Empathy is a characteristic of what it means to be human. As each passing day goes by, we are exposed to more and more negative images in the media. All of these negative images take a toll on us per se, and we lose an emotional attachment to reality with each exposure. It is almost as if these negative images are overloading our minds, and desensitization is the result.
This emotional disconnect affects us in every aspect of our life. Everything from our friendships, love relationships, family, and our everyday interactions with people. The most kindness is observed through those that truly feel the benefits.
With that being said, you now may be wondering what can you do to help? Well if money is not your thing, show your support by clicking on the joinred myspace page listed on my buddylist and add a tag in the corner such as inspi(red), or admi(red). If you would like to make a financial contribution, take your business to companies such as The Gap, American Express, Apple, Converse, Giorgio Armani, or Motorola and buy (red) products. Each one of these companies gives a percentage to The Global Fund (for example: The Gap contributes 50% of all (red) products sold, America Express 1% of every transaction, Apple $10.00 from every Ipod Nano sold, etc.).
The (red) initiative is without a doubt making strides toward making the world a better place for everyone and so far the Global Fund has raised 7 billion dollars. From this money 770,000 people were able to receive treatment for HIV/AIDS, nearly 9 million for voluntarily HIV testing, 2 million treated for tuberculosis, 22 million for malaria, and 18 million families were given insecticide-treated mosquito nets. It is great to see how this initiative is changing the world, and with continued support, only kindness will prosper.
Until next time,
Remember "Think Red!"
Information was obtained from www.joinred.com
The Global Fund finances AIDS programs that are focused on women and children in Africa. It is the world's leading program to combat AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. It works to provide treatment to children infected with HIV that are abandoned in orphanages and provides preventative education to adults. The funds are properly managed as to avoid corruption, and distribution is only given on the basis of proven results.
So you are probably wondering why should you care, right? Well just to throw some numbers at you, every year 3 million people die from AIDS. Of the 40 million people infected by HIV/AIDS worldwide, Africa comprises 60% of infected people, despite Africa only representing 10% of the world population. This number should shock us all, and if we are not shocked then we should take a moment to reflect and ask ourselves, "How did we get to this point?"
Empathy is a characteristic of what it means to be human. As each passing day goes by, we are exposed to more and more negative images in the media. All of these negative images take a toll on us per se, and we lose an emotional attachment to reality with each exposure. It is almost as if these negative images are overloading our minds, and desensitization is the result.
This emotional disconnect affects us in every aspect of our life. Everything from our friendships, love relationships, family, and our everyday interactions with people. The most kindness is observed through those that truly feel the benefits.
With that being said, you now may be wondering what can you do to help? Well if money is not your thing, show your support by clicking on the joinred myspace page listed on my buddylist and add a tag in the corner such as inspi(red), or admi(red). If you would like to make a financial contribution, take your business to companies such as The Gap, American Express, Apple, Converse, Giorgio Armani, or Motorola and buy (red) products. Each one of these companies gives a percentage to The Global Fund (for example: The Gap contributes 50% of all (red) products sold, America Express 1% of every transaction, Apple $10.00 from every Ipod Nano sold, etc.).
The (red) initiative is without a doubt making strides toward making the world a better place for everyone and so far the Global Fund has raised 7 billion dollars. From this money 770,000 people were able to receive treatment for HIV/AIDS, nearly 9 million for voluntarily HIV testing, 2 million treated for tuberculosis, 22 million for malaria, and 18 million families were given insecticide-treated mosquito nets. It is great to see how this initiative is changing the world, and with continued support, only kindness will prosper.
Until next time,
Remember "Think Red!"
Information was obtained from www.joinred.com