Where's Bob?
This blog was designed to help assist those wondering "Where's Bob?". As I currently embark on my teaching abroad adventure, I intend on sharing my experiences with you all during the duration of my trip. Please write back to my entries and I hope you enjoy the blog.
About Me
- Name: Bob
Link to my pictures http://www.flickr.com/photos/37653548@N00/ Link to my MYSPACE page http://www.myspace.com/psychbob
Sunday, February 26, 2006
The Boat Trip
Ok, I am back into writing. I should be able to write a lot more now that I am just about finished moving, and finished with the bulk of the graduate school application process. Boy, am I relieved. I don't think I have ever been as busy as I was these past couple of months. But I know that it will all be worth it in the end, so let me start with this blog.
It was Thursday night and my friend Lex (cool Taiwanese guy I met) and I decide to go to a local bar called Lighthouse. This place is known for being the hangout place for all of the foreigners that live in Kaohsiung, so I thought it would be a cool place to take my friend. Anyways, after a couple of drinks, and a few games of darts we decided we better get going because both of us had to go to work the next day. On the way out the door we meet three girls that are dying to talk to us (well let me just say one of them was dying to buy Lex's motorcycle, because it is AWSOME!!!!). So my friend Lex humored them by talking to them about possibly selling it (now I know how much he likes this motorcycle, and I know there is no way he has any inclination of selling it :-) crazy Lex). While he was talking to one of the girls the other two girls began to tell me about their experience in Taiwan thus far. One of the girls by the name of Nina has been in Taiwan for a while and fluently speaks Chinese. Her friend was fairly new and was just taking everything in. After speaking to them for some time, they decided to invite us to a boat party which they planned for the weekend. The occasion was Nina's birthday, and I guess she invited like the whole city. So she told us we were more than welcome to come and it was ok to bring a couple of friends. Now I am stressing a couple because it will come up later in the blog.
On the way back home from the bar, my friend Lex and I talked about going to this party and that it sounded like it would be a blast. I was totally psyched to go to a party on a boat so I invited a couple of people that I knew from work. My friend Jonathan said that he could go and wanted to know if it would be ok to bring his girlfriend (no problem right, just one extra person and I am allowed to bring two so I should be ok) so I told him that it was cool. Ok here is where I got into a little trouble. I wanted my other friend Hein to go too so I said to myself, " Hmmmm, if I invite him alone then that will only put me one over, not a problem".
On the night of the occasion I got the ok from my Nina, and I was ready to go. Before leaving I thought to myself, "I want my roomate to go as well". I know, I know Bob's gotta invite the world, but hey I know a lot of people and as long as I don't go too overboard with inviting people I should still be in the safe zone. My number is now at four so only two over and I was looking forward to enjoying a night out with my friends. Unfortuately, my friend Lex was unable to go because he had to go home to his hometown which is about 1hr and 30min from Kaohsiung. I wanted him there to enjoy the party as well, but hey I will have stories to share with him.
Meeting Site - The Docks
Time: 10:10p.m.
Low and behold all of my friends were present. However, I noticed that my friend Hein also invited his friends. I am not talking about one or two, but if I recall it was five. That's right five, so you can say I am freakin out now. I am definately in the danger zone, and I am wondering if there will be enough room on the boat for all of us. After waiting a while at the docks, Nina tells me that some of the people she invited are not there, but it was time to leave so she was going to start boarding. SAVED!!! yes, Bob once again gets out of a sticky situation. As the boat approached the dock, I have to say that it appeared to be overwhelming. The boat was larger than what I expected, lavishly decorated with lights, and the perfect weather made it appear that much more magnificent.
Time: 11:30
Everyone is having a good time. The unlimited booze did its job of putting everyone in a good mood. I met some cool people on the side of the boat and I talked to them for most of the night. I believe I may have danced a little inside the boat to entertain my friends, ;-) lets just say I was having a good time. All was "A" ok until someone pulled me aside and told me my roomate was beyond the point of enjoying herself. In fact she was passed out on the couch inside of the boat, appearing to look unconscious. I then immediately entered the boat to find her just like my friend reported. I nudged her and got her to answer some of my questions. She appeared as though she was done partying for the night, so I made sure that the people standing close to her kept an eye on her while she rested on the couch.
The boat is now back at the port now, and everyone has exited the boat except for one person. That's right you guessed it, my roomate. She is still lying on the couch and at this point is not answering any of my questions. I can tell that she is still ticking, but there is no way in the world that she is going to walk herself off of the boat. So me, being the hero that I am :-), pick her up and carry her off of the boat like Batman saving a woman from a burning fire. I then, with the assistance of some of the party attendees put her into a cab and we then head back to our apartment. It was a challenge to convince the cab driver to take us because he was afraid that she would vomit in the cab (understandable, right!). Sure enough, this is about mid-way during the cab ride back when I begin to hear weird noises from the back seat. I knew this was not right, so I indicated to the driver to pull over. I then got out, opened the door and placed her to the side of the cab so she would not vomit in it. This act took place three times on the journey back, but lucky me she did not get any vomit in the cab.
Ok, can you believe that that was not even the most challenging part of the night. It was when the cab pulled up to our apartment and I was then faced with the delima of trying to figure out how to get her back into the building (and of course she just had to pick the 7th floor ;-). I then opened the door and proceeded to assume the superhero role and carry her out of the cab, into the building. Now I know it has been a while since I have worked out, but boy was I feeling it (even though she probably weighed 115lbs at the most). I was able to get her into the elevator, push the button, and place her on the side of the door of our apartment (can't open the door with someone in my arms). As I opened the door I started to hear some strange, yet now familiar sounds. Sure enough I witnessed my roomate puking on the floor. AHHHHHH, couldn't prevent that one from happening. However, I knew I had to keep going and carry her into her room. After an intense struggle of manuevering down the hall and into her room I was able to position her on her bed and place all of the drunk roomate necessities around her just in case she got the urge to vomit again.
It was finally over. Boy was I relieved. The next day my roomate didn't have a clue what happened. She told me that she last remembered drinking on the boat, but the rest was a blank. Good times in Taiwan :-) I love my roomate and I know that alcohol can get the best of us every now and then. I know she felt bad for having to put me in that position, and she gave me money for the taxi the next day.
Even though there was a little drama at the end of the party, I had such a great time. All of my friends enjoyed themselves and I began to start thinking of having my own party on a boat. But that story will be for another time :-).
NEXT TIME: Kindergarten Bob
It was Thursday night and my friend Lex (cool Taiwanese guy I met) and I decide to go to a local bar called Lighthouse. This place is known for being the hangout place for all of the foreigners that live in Kaohsiung, so I thought it would be a cool place to take my friend. Anyways, after a couple of drinks, and a few games of darts we decided we better get going because both of us had to go to work the next day. On the way out the door we meet three girls that are dying to talk to us (well let me just say one of them was dying to buy Lex's motorcycle, because it is AWSOME!!!!). So my friend Lex humored them by talking to them about possibly selling it (now I know how much he likes this motorcycle, and I know there is no way he has any inclination of selling it :-) crazy Lex). While he was talking to one of the girls the other two girls began to tell me about their experience in Taiwan thus far. One of the girls by the name of Nina has been in Taiwan for a while and fluently speaks Chinese. Her friend was fairly new and was just taking everything in. After speaking to them for some time, they decided to invite us to a boat party which they planned for the weekend. The occasion was Nina's birthday, and I guess she invited like the whole city. So she told us we were more than welcome to come and it was ok to bring a couple of friends. Now I am stressing a couple because it will come up later in the blog.
On the way back home from the bar, my friend Lex and I talked about going to this party and that it sounded like it would be a blast. I was totally psyched to go to a party on a boat so I invited a couple of people that I knew from work. My friend Jonathan said that he could go and wanted to know if it would be ok to bring his girlfriend (no problem right, just one extra person and I am allowed to bring two so I should be ok) so I told him that it was cool. Ok here is where I got into a little trouble. I wanted my other friend Hein to go too so I said to myself, " Hmmmm, if I invite him alone then that will only put me one over, not a problem".
On the night of the occasion I got the ok from my Nina, and I was ready to go. Before leaving I thought to myself, "I want my roomate to go as well". I know, I know Bob's gotta invite the world, but hey I know a lot of people and as long as I don't go too overboard with inviting people I should still be in the safe zone. My number is now at four so only two over and I was looking forward to enjoying a night out with my friends. Unfortuately, my friend Lex was unable to go because he had to go home to his hometown which is about 1hr and 30min from Kaohsiung. I wanted him there to enjoy the party as well, but hey I will have stories to share with him.
Meeting Site - The Docks
Time: 10:10p.m.
Low and behold all of my friends were present. However, I noticed that my friend Hein also invited his friends. I am not talking about one or two, but if I recall it was five. That's right five, so you can say I am freakin out now. I am definately in the danger zone, and I am wondering if there will be enough room on the boat for all of us. After waiting a while at the docks, Nina tells me that some of the people she invited are not there, but it was time to leave so she was going to start boarding. SAVED!!! yes, Bob once again gets out of a sticky situation. As the boat approached the dock, I have to say that it appeared to be overwhelming. The boat was larger than what I expected, lavishly decorated with lights, and the perfect weather made it appear that much more magnificent.
Time: 11:30
Everyone is having a good time. The unlimited booze did its job of putting everyone in a good mood. I met some cool people on the side of the boat and I talked to them for most of the night. I believe I may have danced a little inside the boat to entertain my friends, ;-) lets just say I was having a good time. All was "A" ok until someone pulled me aside and told me my roomate was beyond the point of enjoying herself. In fact she was passed out on the couch inside of the boat, appearing to look unconscious. I then immediately entered the boat to find her just like my friend reported. I nudged her and got her to answer some of my questions. She appeared as though she was done partying for the night, so I made sure that the people standing close to her kept an eye on her while she rested on the couch.
The boat is now back at the port now, and everyone has exited the boat except for one person. That's right you guessed it, my roomate. She is still lying on the couch and at this point is not answering any of my questions. I can tell that she is still ticking, but there is no way in the world that she is going to walk herself off of the boat. So me, being the hero that I am :-), pick her up and carry her off of the boat like Batman saving a woman from a burning fire. I then, with the assistance of some of the party attendees put her into a cab and we then head back to our apartment. It was a challenge to convince the cab driver to take us because he was afraid that she would vomit in the cab (understandable, right!). Sure enough, this is about mid-way during the cab ride back when I begin to hear weird noises from the back seat. I knew this was not right, so I indicated to the driver to pull over. I then got out, opened the door and placed her to the side of the cab so she would not vomit in it. This act took place three times on the journey back, but lucky me she did not get any vomit in the cab.
Ok, can you believe that that was not even the most challenging part of the night. It was when the cab pulled up to our apartment and I was then faced with the delima of trying to figure out how to get her back into the building (and of course she just had to pick the 7th floor ;-). I then opened the door and proceeded to assume the superhero role and carry her out of the cab, into the building. Now I know it has been a while since I have worked out, but boy was I feeling it (even though she probably weighed 115lbs at the most). I was able to get her into the elevator, push the button, and place her on the side of the door of our apartment (can't open the door with someone in my arms). As I opened the door I started to hear some strange, yet now familiar sounds. Sure enough I witnessed my roomate puking on the floor. AHHHHHH, couldn't prevent that one from happening. However, I knew I had to keep going and carry her into her room. After an intense struggle of manuevering down the hall and into her room I was able to position her on her bed and place all of the drunk roomate necessities around her just in case she got the urge to vomit again.
It was finally over. Boy was I relieved. The next day my roomate didn't have a clue what happened. She told me that she last remembered drinking on the boat, but the rest was a blank. Good times in Taiwan :-) I love my roomate and I know that alcohol can get the best of us every now and then. I know she felt bad for having to put me in that position, and she gave me money for the taxi the next day.
Even though there was a little drama at the end of the party, I had such a great time. All of my friends enjoyed themselves and I began to start thinking of having my own party on a boat. But that story will be for another time :-).
NEXT TIME: Kindergarten Bob